Presenting a safety training program to any group comes with its challenges. Taking into consideration who makes up the group and how to best reach them is beneficial not only to you, but also to those you are training. Considering the various learning styles of the individuals that make up the group will allow you to make the most efficient use of the time you have. Your main objective is to capture the attention of your audience and keep them engaged while teaching them about safety.
Types of Learners
Visual Learners
-Learn primarily through the written word
-Tend to be readers; diligently taking down every word
Auditory Learners
-Learn primarily through listening
-Focus attention on your words, listening carefully to everything you say
-Like to talk rather than write; enjoy discussions
Kinesthetic Learners
-Learn better by doing; hands-on
-Learn best when they can practice what they're learning
-Think in terms of physical action
Presentation Techniques to Different Learners
Visual Learners
-Provide written materials / exercises
-Write key words on the board
-Use visuals / graphics
-Ask them to be the recorder / notekeeper
-Involve them in visual / spatial sense
Auditory Learners
-State the information
-Provide discussions
-Encourage questions
-Small group participation
Kinesthetic Learners
-Encourage underlining / highlighting key words
-Real-life simulations
-Hands-on activities
-Involve them physically
Online Safety Training found here.
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